Enrollment Cards and Calendars

Enrollment Cards and Calendars

Each year, the Sisters design an annual calendar that celebrates our Franciscan values and the beauty of creation. We also offer spiritually moving healing and memorial cards to enroll your loved ones into our Franciscan Eucharistic League.  Under the special patronage of St. Francis of Assisi, your loved ones will be remembered at Mass and in the daily prayers of our Sisters.  All enrolled individuals have their names inscribed in a special enrollment book kept outside our chapel at St. Francis Convent.

If you would like a calendar or one or more of the enrollment cards shown above, please email us at enrollments@lakeosfs.org, indicating the card(s) or calendar you want, quantity, your name, and mailing address.  You can also call order by phone at 414-744-1160. 

While there is no set charge for these items, we do appreciate a donation to offset printing and mailing costs as well as to support the health and retirement needs of our retired Sisters. 

Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. If you wish to receive additional cards throughout the year, please complete the form below to be added to our direct mail list.


Join Our Direct Mail List to Support Our Sisters and Receive More Cards

If you wish to receive additional cards throughout the year, please complete the form below to be added to our direct mail list. 


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