Sisters Today
Our Sisters are active in parish ministry, education, programs for the developmentally disabled, and as advocates for social change for many of the critical justice issues of today. Our retired Sisters remain active in support of ministries to the homeless and disenfranchised, contributing to the life of the community in many different ways.
Sister Margaret Kruse Discusses Human Trafficking on "A Nun's Life" Podcast
Sister Margaret Kruse speaks about human trafficking during a podcast that is currently on "A Nun's Life" Ministry’s website. "A Nun’s Life" is an online source for and about Sisters, aimed at those who wish to learn more about the ministry and lifestyle of today’s Catholic women religious.
Sister Margaret describes her involvement with Sisters Program South in Milwaukee, a respite for women who have been trafficked or who are involved in prostitution. The Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi have been involved with the program for many years. Sister Margaret currently serves on the board of the organization.
She discusses the outreach of the staff at Sisters Program South and the tragic reality of life on the street for many of the women, who become involved with trafficking as early as 10 or 12 years of age. She also speaks about the efforts of the resident Sisters at St. Francis Convent who support the ministry through advocacy, through the knitting ministry that provides hats and scarves for the women, and by providing lunches and other meals for those in the program.
To listen to the podcast, go to under Podcasts/In Good Faith.
Sister Margaret Kruse
Knitting Group Provides Caps, Scarves for Those in Need

From left: Sisters Mary Hau, Rose Kordick, Activity Director Kim Brewer, Sisters Eleanor Riordon and Lenore Steilen
Led by Activity Director Kim Brewer, a group of residents of Elizabeth Hall have been learning how to knit. The fast learners, who pack a lot of patience and talent into their creations, are knitting beautiful, warm hats and scarves for families in need.
The colorful fruits of their labor will be distributed to an organization that provides clothing for the homeless and disadvantaged in Milwaukee.
Sisters Rose Kordick, Mary Hau, Lenore Steilen, Mary Jerome Lacy, Bernice Mertens, and Eleanor Riordon gathered one afternoon last fall to share their love of learning a new skill and the sense of accomplishment it brings. Most of the Sisters use a loom to make the items, while Sister Bernice is picking up knitting with a needle after many years away from the craft. Sister Rose Kordick is especially grateful for the opportunity to exercise her hands with the loom. Kim created a special threading tool for her, as her dexterity is not as good as it used to be.
"I am just thrilled to be able to do this," she said. "It's wonderful."
It is clear that the Sisters are very proud of their work. They displayed several of the finished hat and scarf sets on the table in front of them as they knitted and chatted among themselves, grateful to be spending time together.
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